BP 2004


March 24-27, 2004
Budapest, Hungary
[Teacher in Morocco]
Csontvári-Kosztka, Tivadar: "Teacher in Morocco"

Preliminary List of participants:

A preliminary list of Participants from abroad:

Accardi, Alberto (Columbia Univ.): Cronin effect and colour dipoles in d+Au collisions: pQCD vs. CGC
Barz, Hanns-Werner (FZ. Rossendorf): BUU calculations for K+, K-, Phi production for proton-nucleus reactions in the GeV region
Bauer, Wolfgang (MSU): Kinetic theory for the dynamics of heavy ion collisions and supernova explosions, a unified approach
Beckmann, Christian (Frankfurt Univ.):
Csernai, Laszlo (Bergen Univ.): The third flow component as a QGP signal
Danielewicz, Pawel (Michigan State Univ.): Towards the 3-Dimensional Imaging of Sources
David, Gabor (BNL, Brookhaven): Direct Photons at RHIC - Preliminary Results and Prospects
Dumitru, Adrian (Frankfurt Univ.): The deconfined phase of SU(N) gauge theories as a condensate of Polyakov loops
Fai Gyorgy (Kent, Ohio): Low-mass Drell-Yan pairs at RHIC and LHC
Gyulassy, Miklos (Columbia Univ.): The Stongly Interacting QGP Found at RHIC
Leupold, Stefan (Giessen Univ.): What QCD sum rules tell about the rho meson - A new answer to an old question
Mocsy, Agnes (Frankfurt Univ.): Linking deconfinement and chiral symmetry restoration
Molnár, Dénes (Columbia Univ.): Parton coalescence and space-time
Norenberg, Wolfgang (GSI)
Nyiri, Ágnes (Bergen Univ.): Collective phenomena in the measurables
Petreczky, Peter (BNL, Brookhaven): Meson spectral functions above deconfinement
Redlich, Krzysztof (Bielefeld): The QCD equation of state below deconfinement: from Heavy Ion Collisions to Lattice Gauge
Senger, Peter (GSI):Exploring dense baryonic matter - Experiments at the future facility in Darmstadt
Antoni Szczurek (Inst. Nucl. Phys., Krakow): Unintegrated parton distributions and meson production
Thomas, Ronny (FZ. Rossendorf): BUU calculations for K+, K-, Phi production for proton-nucleus reactions in the GeV region
Veres, Gábor (MIT/ELTE): High-pt physics at PHOBOS
Wyslouch, Bolek (MIT): Heavy Ion Physics with the CMS detector at the LHC
Zhongbao Yin, Bergen:Results from BRAHMS experiments for Au+Au and d+Au at sqrt{s_{NN}}=200 GeV

Participants from Hungary:

Barna, Daniel (RMKI)
Barnafoldi, Gergely G. (RMKI): Particle production in dAu collision at RHIC at low and high rapidities
Biro, Tamas S (RMKI)
Csizmadia, Peter (RMKI)
Fodor, Zoltan (RMKI)
Levai, Peter (RMKI): Jet tomography at low and high rapidities
Lovas, Istvan (DE)
Nemeth, Judit (ELTE)
Nyiri, Julia (RMKI)
Palla, Gabriella (RMKI)
Papp, Gabor (ELTE)
Purcsel, Gabor (RMKI)
Sailer, Kornel (DE)
Schram, Zsolt (DE)
Sikler, Ferenc (RMKI)
Szep, Zsolt (ELTE): A large N approach to the T-\mu chiral phase diagram in the quark-meson model
Vesztergombi, Gyorgy (RMKI)
Zetenyi, Miklos (RMKI) Baryonic channels of dilepton production
Zimanyi Jozsef (RMKI) Hadronization coalescence into opposite parity states

In case of any questions or comments, please contact the organizers at

bp2004@sunserv.kfki.hu .

- Last updated on January 21, 2004 -